Monday, November 23, 2015


Josh Feldman via Facebook, writes that “Rush Limbaugh made a rare TV appearance on Fox News Sunday today and had a lot to say about President Obama‘s strategy against ISIS (or, as Limbaugh put it, his lack of one). 

“Limbaugh said that the president’s foreign policy is “inept and incompetent and nonexistent,” telling Chris Wallace, “Barack Obama’s number one enemy is the Republican party and the conservative movement.” He even said there are serious questions about who the president considers to be America’s real enemies."

While Rush was typically caustic regarding the POTUS, not really adding much that was new or unusual, what stood out starkly were the differences in the quality and substance of reader comments following the article. 

Reader, Josh Huber, offered a concise, accurate recapitulation of where the nation stands at the moment, and why, writing: “Obviously there are a lot of uninformed people making idiotic statements. Allow me to help out the socialists who hate Rush Limbaugh. Whose been President for the last 7 years? How many of Obamas policies have the republicans blocked. In other words, what policy has Obama not been able to force down upon the American people?”

And then, confirming Rush’s observations regarding the errors of the POTUS and his constituents, reader Steve Denton wrote conversely: “The American people's number one enemy is conservative Republicans because they're always wrong and they're just a few steps away from being fascist.”

What’s most remarkable is that while reader Denton excoriates Republicans, he’s apparently completely oblivious to the fact, or ignoring completely, that the U.S. is in the worst shape it’s been in, here and abroad, since Jimmy Cater was in office. And, most importantly, every single aspect of the situation rests on the  POTUS’s unencumbered performance for the past seven years. And, let’s not forget that Democrats controlled Congress for the two years before he took office, giving their party absolute control of the nation's policy, condition and stature for roughly the past decade.

A current example confirming just how damaging policy-making has been for the past nine years, under Democrat ideology, Pfizer will announce today a deal to buy Allergan, the maker of Botox. This would be one of the biggest ever takeovers in the health care industry. 

According to the New York Times on-line: “Perhaps most important, it would be the biggest transaction aimed at helping an American company shed its United States corporate citizenship in an effort to lower its tax bill, in this case by billions of dollars. And it could become a flash point as the presidential race heats up. 

“A deal would come as the Obama administration is trying to crack down on these kinds of deals, known on Wall Street and in Washington as corporate inversions. Last week, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced new rules meant to further clamp down on the benefits of such mergers. The government has already lost billions of dollars in corporate tax revenue from inversions, particularly over the last couple of years.

“Adopting Allergan’s home base of Ireland would yield significant savings for Pfizer, one of the oldest drug makers in the United States. Its history runs from producing painkillers during the Civil War to penicillin in World War II. Pfizer’s tax rate last year was roughly 26.5 percent and is expected to be about 25 percent this year. 

“Its prospective merger partner, by contrast, reported a tax rate of just 4.8 percent for 2014, though its rate this year is about 15 percent.” 

So, here we have another glaring example of politicians basing policy on irrational ideology, instead of simple business logic. Because it doesn’t matter how high these imbeciles raise the tax rates if businesses no longer choose to pay them. Thus, rather than earning billions in revenue at a reasonable rate, the government takes in zero instead. 

No wonder two trillion dollars is sitting offshore and won’t come back until a Republican administration makes corporate tax rates affordable again. Which, by the way, will also create thousands of jobs. However, close-minded Democrats will never figure that out, because win-win situations are not in their nature. For them, everyone must suffer like they do, because business success is not politically correct and therefore, must be frowned upon.   

On another subject, can’t let this go by unnoticed. As the global-warming conference in Paris draws nearer, according to CBS yesterday, “The first snow storm of the season was a record breaker, with some areas getting over a foot of snow. The snow storm was the biggest November storm in Chicago in more than 100 years.

"11.2 inches of snow fell at O’Hare Airport, the second largest November total after an 1895 storm that dumped 12 inches on Chicago. Midway recorded 5.8 inches of snow."

Which means that if the POTUS plans to attend the global-warning fiasco, and tries to leave from his home town, he may find that even Air Force 1 is grounded due to frigid weather and have to phone his climate-change warning speech in.   

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

This one's more personal in nature, but certainly indicative of the duplicitous nature of both Clintons and their typical reaction to any and all negativity towards them. 

Sunday night on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Juanita Broaddrick, who famously accused Bill Clinton of rape, is now speaking out against Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president. 

Ms Broaddrick said, “Shame on you, Hillary, that’s disgusting,” regarding Bill’s wife’s attempt to run for high office in part on women’s issues. Adding, “Hillary. It’s time to be truthful.”  

Ms Broaddrick’s ire stemmed from what she claims is Bill’s wife’s “complacency in covering up her husband’s alleged sexual crimes and indiscretions.” 

“I think she has always known everything about him. I think they have this evil compact between the two of them that they each know what the other does and overlook it. And go right on. And cover one for the other,” she said. 

“She recalled a personal meeting with Hillary in 1978, in which, Broaddrick believes, the future First Lady strongly implied the alleged rape victim must stay silent about her traumatic experience. 

“Broaddrick said she “almost died” two months ago when she saw a Clinton campaign ad in which Hillary insisted all women must be sided with if they accuse men of sexual assault.” 

So, in this case, while not directly related to the typical qualities ordinarily assessed in determining a candidate's fitness for the office of POUTS, it certainly adds to the suspicions of fabrications accredited to both Clinton’s. Of which there are countless numbers.  

In that regard, most polls show that more than half of the voting public believe Bill’s wife is dishonest, leading to the continuing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?  

That’s it for today folks.


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