Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Much of today’s news items in the media are simply rehashes of ongoing story’s. However, a couple of interesting items were found in Rush’s postings on Facebook, especially since they were mentioned here earlier. And that was remindful of an old friend who believed that Rush, and several other national pundits, used this blog as a reference source frequently.
Yesterday, I posted statistics showing that more than 50% of the Fox audience either has “mixed” political views or is liberal. And now, today, Rush opined that, “The idea that it's only conservatives watching Fox News or listening to me, or talk radio, is a myth that liberals have constructed to portray themselves as more worldly and more sophisticated and open-minded and all this liberal gobbledygook junk.”
Now, while Rush’s commentary might simply be a coincidence, perhaps this blog has more clout than even I thought it does.
On another of my favorite topics, Rush said, “Climate change is one of the most front-and-center opportunities that statists and totalitarians have at their disposal for quelling the freedom of individual people the world over, by blaming everybody for it.  That's why it's so exciting. 

“That's why to people like Obama and the United Nations and everybody else, the whole idea that there is climate change and that it's destructive -- and, look, even if, you know, the two-degree Celsius rise, even if that were to happen over the next 50 years, it isn't catastrophic.  There'd actually be a lot of good that would come from it in various parts of the world.  But it's not happening, at least scientifically, it can't be proven.” 

Rush went on to say, “Yet here it is.  It's the greatest threat of all the threats out there.  It poses the single greatest threat to you, your family, your neighborhood, your town, your city, than anything else happening.  It's absurd.  It's just the latest, and actually it's not latest, it's just the ongoing liberal effort, like health care was, to attempt to wrest and exert as much control over individuals as possible.  That's why people like Obama and others of his ilk salivate.” 

Then Rush concluded by stating: “At the same time, the idea of a nuclear Iran is a yawner.  In fact, it's not even that.  The idea of a nuclear Iran is something that we should not fear.  In fact, we should support it -- because we're supposed to trust Obama that he knows what he's doing.”  

Now, Rush certainly posed a solid rationale for Obama’s obsession with climate change, or more specifically, the new, broader catch-all designation for “global-warming.” Yet, he missed the point regarding Obama’s reason for steadfastly pushing the bogus issue at all.
Back in February 2014 the New York Times wrote about Tom Steyer, as follows: “The former hedge fund manager is hoping to spend $100 million — $50 million from his personal fortune and $50 million from other donors — to make climate change a top-tier issue in the election.”
And thus, all the climate change noise is nothing but political payback, as usual for Democrats.
And as far as Iran's highly likely nuclear weaponry is concerned, Obama’s doing it for Valerie Jarrett and, as often written here, his Chicago pastor, the vehemently anti-Semitic Reverend Wright who wants a clear path to Jerusalem through a decimated Israel. Therefore, rational thought and U.S. security aren’t likely even being really considered.
Today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife comes from a washington.cbslocal.com column in which it’s written that, “In her early campaign stops, Clinton has cast herself as above the political back-and-forth, vowing to change the harsh partisan tone in Washington. “I am tired of the mean-spiritedness in politics,” she told voters who gathered in a supporter’s living room in Claremont. “Enough with the attacks and the anger, let’s find answers together and figure out what we’re going to do.”

Which brings up the question that if she’s fed up with “the mean-spiritedness in politics,” and, “the attacks and the anger,” why did she herself start doing the very same thing in the first place?

That’s it for today folks.


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