Tuesday, September 24, 2013

BloggeRhythms 9/24/2012

The Republican party got two extremely helpful breaks today, both bolstering their chances for electoral successes in the next two years.
Lois Lerner, who presided over a partisan IRS program targeting conservative organizations announced that she’ll retire on Monday.
That suggests to me the probability that this might be the first step toward distancing herself from the administration, paving the way for making a deal for leniency in return for politically damaging testimony disclosing White House efforts to harm, derail or deter tea party related organizations.
Time will tell, of course, but this seems a very strong probability whereas otherwise she could have simply continued to ride the situation out, remaining on paid leave from her job.
In item two, Willy’s agreed to help the incumbent “sell” his new health care tax.
However, the monumental problems surrounding this unmanageable legislation go far beyond anything that can be solved by words. As each day goes by, new issues arise clearly demonstrating huge flaws in design along with inabilities of implementation.
What’s even worse is the likelihood that government itself will wind up significantly involved in day to day operations, which is practically a solid guarantee of failure. While nothing government run ever works right, this particular tax is so complex and huge in size, the chances of operational success over time are likely close to zero.
Consequently, since Hillary has no performance record of her own, her success is firmly tied to Bill’s, which means that the negative backlash from the tax he’s now touting will also attach to her. So, that weakens her position as Dem frontrunner in the next presidential campaign.
Therefore, as I’ve been suggesting for many other reasons to date, if the Republicans simply use their heads they should be able to figure out that day by day, step by step, if left alone their inept competition will keep on eliminating itself.
That’s it for today folks.

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