Tuesday, September 10, 2013

BloggeRhythms 9/10/2013

John Nolte of Breitbart on-line via Drudge, handily summed up the incumbent's Syrian self-inflicted image-destructor, writing that “Monday morning, Secretary of State John Kerry made what an administration official called a "major goof" with a never-going-to-happen hypothetical that suggested Syria could avoid American airstrikes by surrendering their chemical weapons. Even the State Department walked Kerry's statement back.”
However, as the article further points out, “But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov immediately seized upon Kerry's flub, and now a member of the Russian parliament is gloating over Putin's checkmate of Obama.”
Now, ordinarily reading something like this about any other administration, I’d shake my head, mutter a few words to myself about government ineptitude and promptly forget about the whole subject altogether.
But, considering who’s involved in this one, when I first heard Putin’s name I immediately suspected some kind of deal that was underhanded. Especially because I remember the incumbent making what he thought were private comments to the Russian leader, about doing things together after this past election. So, I said to myself, what if he made a clandestine phone call to Putin, saying he’d put himself in an embarrassing corner and needed some help?
Naturally, I have nothing to go on except for suspicions of the players involved, both of whom always put their own personal interests first. So, for today I’ll leave it here, but keep watching for what kind of favors Putin gets down the road.
Moving on, I can certainly see that a Syrian solution might be a very bad break for the administration, whereas now domestic miscues will likely get more attention than they have. Such as the one today pointed out by Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard who writes: “There are also new taxes affecting West Michigan industry, in particular, that took effect this year," says a local reporter.
There's a new 2.3 percent excise tax on medical device manufacturers. According to some reports, Kalamazoo based Stryker has laid off more than a thousand people because of it--and owes the federal government upwards of $100 million dollars this year alone. Late last week a Stryker spokesperson told me that Obamacare will cost the company fully 20 percent of its total research and development investments.”
And its “little” things things like this that often go unnoticed by the general public. But if you add the damage being done to medical device manufacturing to the health care tax debacle, this administration is quickly turning the best medical system the world’s ever seen into the equivalent of a backward third-world nation.
Which brings me to another item that suggests folks are tiring of hourly speeches, countess pages of droning, fabricated rhetoric, and wondering more frequently where the “beef” is. Such as the following from Nile Gardiner of the UK’s Telegraph.
Mr. Gardiner's a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. As a former aide to Margaret Thatcher, he has served as a foreign policy adviser to two US presidential campaigns, appearing frequently on American and British television’s Fox News Channel, BBC, and Fox Business Network.
He writes that: “The scale of the challenge for Mr. Obama is encapsulated in a new poll released by Fox News (conducted by both Democratic and Republican pollsters), which shows the president’s approval rating falling to 40 percent, the lowest level of support in his presidency (on par with December 2010). Obama’s disapproval stands at 54 percent, the highest negative rating he has received since taking office.”
And here’s his sad conclusion, “Frankly, President Bush’s record is looking better by the day, as a flailing Obama struggles to stand tall on the world stage while tripping over his own shoelaces at home. At least, with Obama’s predecessor in the White House, the United States was backed by its allies and feared by its enemies. The same cannot be said today.”
Since there’s nothing I can add to that one which says it perfectly for itself, I’ll say;
That’s it for today folks.

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