Friday, May 3, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/3/2013

I’d almost forgotten completely about Nancy Pelosi since she no longer does whatever it was she used to do before she got blown out of her post in Congress. However, today she was quoted in The Blog by Daniel Halper in The Weekly Standard, via Drudge on-line.
I mention her because much like her total ignorance of the horrendous health care tax details, likely to become the worst bill ever rammed through in the history of the nation, she sounded just as dumb today as when she said that if you want to know what’s in the bill’s 1990 pages, you’re going to have to read it yourself.
Her ridiculous comment today was: “Hillary 'Would Be the Most Qualified Person to Enter the White House in Modern History.”
Then she continued, “With all due respect to President Clinton when he went in, President Obama, and President Bush and everybody else.”
Next, she listed these credentials "She participated in the history as a first lady -- an active first lady -- saw first hand the challenges and urgency, the weight of the world on the shoulder of the president. As a senator, as a member of the Armed Services Committee, all of her work there representing in her own right the people of her state. And as secretary of state, just with such dignity, and making us all so proud, representing our country, our values, our strength throughout the world, in a way that I don't know that anybody can do because nobody has been first lady and senator and now secretary of state. So putting everything aside that she is a woman, she'd be the best qualified person we've seen -- with all due respect to President Clinton when he went in, President Obama, and President Bush and everybody else."
As for me though, I remember the Hillary years quite clearly and have a completely different opinion.
As I recall, while hanging around the White House trying to figure out how to get her own foot in the national politics door, she locked herself up in a room with Ira Magaziner and created a health care bill of her own that when finished was so ridiculous Bill told her to take the worthless pile of paperwork and stuff it. Furthermore, as first lady, she had no authority to address the subject in the first place.
Then after Bill narrowly avoided impeachment for lying to Congress they moved to New York where she carpet-bagged a senate seat she really had no earned right to at all. But when you’re the wife of a powerful Democrat ex-president in New York State, you can do pretty much what you want, whether you deserve the free rides it allows or not.
Now, although I’ve lived in New York my whole lifer, I really can’t remember what she did for the state because, frankly, I don’t recall her accomplishing anything at all. I do however, vaguely recollect thinking that her relocation here was simply a stepping stone to a national presence and for her, since she did zip in Arkansas, a much better place to crawl in under the door and gain some kind of national recognition.
Without going into much further detail of my recollection, I’ll move on to the present and her four years of taxer-paid travel to everywhere on the globe except where anything was needed that took experience or first-hand knowledge or training.
But, whatever the case, the real example of her job capabilities and international skills will likely all boil down to Benghazi which next week will be exposed by a Congressional investigative committee as a leadership failure.  Four citizen’s lives were lost due to incompetence, miscommunication, and total management starting right from the top of the State Department during her watch.
So, coming back to dimwit Pelosi, I‘ve got to wonder how someone can continually put partisan politics above all else, to the extent that she simply doesn’t care about how big a fool she continually makes of herself. I’d think that, sometime or other, even she would stop to consider what rational people likely think of her.
And while I doubt that she’ll ever change, either because she can’t or simply won’t, I think it’s remarkable that someone can be as continually wrong as she is and not have the self-respect to consider how incredibly poor her judgment is before continually shooting off her mouth.
That’s it for today folks.

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