Saturday, March 2, 2013

BloggeRhythms 3/2/2013

Looks like the incumbent took a shot in the jockey shorts yesterday because, according to Devin Dwyer of ABC News on-line via Drudge, the Keystone pipeline got a major  step closer to opening since, “The State Department, conducted a study because the pipeline would cross an international boundary, and suggested in a voluminous report that impacts on air, water and landscape would be minimal.
The agency found it “very unlikely” that the pipeline would affect water quality in any of the four aquifers through which it crossed.  It also concluded that along one part of the proposed route, in the case of a large-scale oil spill, “these impacts would typically be limited to within several hundred feet of the release source, and would not affect groundwater.”

Government analysts found that Keystone XL would each year produce the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions of 620,000 passenger cars operating for a year. But they concluded that whether or not the pipeline is approved, those emissions would still  likely occur because of fuels produced and obtained from other sources.”

Now, this to me is really very good news because the State Department report suggests that the “proposed 875-mile pipeline, would carry 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, to Steele City, Nebraska.” And that should mean a significant drop in the cost of fuel, and as disappointing to the incumbent that that would be, would probably boost the economy significantly.

However, although regular readers know the pipeline's been a hot button of mine for a very long time now, whereas it’s delay’s a purposeful plan to depress the economy and get our nation to look and suffer economically like Europe, because it’s unfair that we have access to many natural resources and they don’t, that’s not why I’m writing it up.

Because, as I read along and absorbed all the good news the article contained, I was, naturally, quite pleased. And then I reached a sentence saying, “Environmental activists have been lobbying Obama hard to block the plan — some recently chaining themselves to the White House fence in protest.” And while reading that line I started to laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair. Because I could just picture these clowns hanging from fences over something that more than likely will have no negative impact on them, or anyone else in this millennium or the next.

Which led to my next question to myself, which was “Where do these loony tunes really come from and what do they really want?” I asked that because I can’t envision anyone with so little to do, and so little else going on in their lives that they’d hang themselves from a fence because they’re worried about environmental impacts that have proven minimal if they ever existed at all. 

So, I’m going to stop typing now and head down to D.C. and look for that fence. Because I happen to own a bridge that connects Brooklyn to Manhattan in  NYC, and it’s span is way up in the air so it’s just about pollution free. And that means it’s a really safe to march, whereas it’s environmentally pure. Therefore these fence-huggers can buy it from me ASAP as a safe place to protest whatever they want. But I won’t take a check or finance a loan, so I sure hope they can come up with the cash and then I can leave town immediately.

That’s it for today folks.


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