Monday, February 18, 2013

BloggeRhythms 2/18/2013

Today’s entry concerns more of the same old, same old the administration spews while describing itself champion of the less fortunate segments of U.S. society. And frankly, if that were really true, I guess it wouldn’t be a bad thing.
However, this weekend provided just one more example of hypocrisy at its peak, combined with a degree of arrogance at the highest level to boot.
President Obama played golf Sunday with Tiger Woods during the president’s long holiday weekend in Florida. Fox News on-line reports that “On Saturday, Woods' former coach, Butch Harmon, rode along with the Obama foursome for a few holes and gave the president some golf tips.
Golf Digest added that "Obama spent eight hours with Harmon, during which he played 27 holes and hit balls in Harmon's studio, and then managed to coordinate Sunday's round with Woods." 
"Woods departed after the first 18 holes, but Obama stayed on to play another nine, the report said.”
Now, as for myself, I really couldn’t care less about where the incumbent goes on weekends, or all the other days of the week either. In fact, the further he’s away from anything having to do with the nation at all, the better off everyone is. 
However, when the country’s almost seventeen trillion in debt and climbing, total unemployment’s somewhere around 12 percent, gasoline just reached its all time high for February, the Middle-East is imploding bit-by-bit, Obamacare’s costing wage-earners dearly and payroll taxes just went up for most, I think its really way over the top for the “leader” to go play some golf with a guy who’s a living legend while most regular folks can’t even get a free autograph from him. 
What’s even worse is, the majority of folks can’t get raises in pay either, because most  businesses are still struggling from overregulation, stunted growth and spiraling new costs of wrongheaded health care reform. Yet, if somehow folks do manage to become really successful in spite of rising governmental hurdles, Democrats spend 24/7/365 plotting to rip off as much of the increases as they can in higher taxes for themselves and/or redistribution of wealth further killing chances of success by everyone else.
And then, to top it all off and really rub it in, the guy who’s almost singularly responsible for ruining everyone else's chance at success, blithely picks up his clubs, flies to Florida on Air Force one and plays some golf with Tiger. Now, I don’t know about you, but I find something despicably wrong and especially repulsive with that.
That’s it for today folks.

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