Saturday, August 15, 2020


Reviewing yesterday’s entry spurred myriad thoughts regarding continual vilification of the president by Hollywood types and the celebrity left. And while these zealots employ their fame, images and followings for constant defiling, demeaning and disparaging Trump in any way possible, a notion arose regarding exactly who these defamers are and what credential or endorsement they possess providing them their all-knowing perspective of the president’s actions, performance or rationale.

For example, while the likes of Rob Reiner hammers Trump every chance he gets, can any truly rational individual imagine Archie Bunker’s son-in-law to accomplish an equivalent to: “Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a landmark accord sealed by President Trump on Thursday that could presage a broader realignment in the region as the two agreed to “full normalization of relations,” as reported by The New York Times."

Thus, while this insufferable clown, Reiner, childishly spouts vile anti-Trump rhetoric across the media, Trump himself is bringing peace to the Middle-east.

As the likes of an Alec Baldwin dons a wig in demeaning parodies of the nation’s leader, the leader in question is sanctioning Iran to reduce its access to products needed for the oil and energy sectors, prompting many oil companies to withdraw, causing  a decline in oil production due to reduced access to technologies needed to improve their efficiency.

Similarly, while totally uncredentialed personages such as Rosie O’Donnell, Michael Moore, Cher, Madonna, and Robert DeNiro spew continuous anti-Trump venom, can any one of them produce an iota of the sample of accomplishments that Kathy Worth posted in her article in the Greenville News showing why Trump deserves reelection.

According to Ms. Worth: “President Trump’s accomplishments in his first term are the reason I will be voting for him again in 2020 to continue with his policies. My most important issue in 2016 was the continued spread and incredible brutality of ISIS. Because of decisive actions and leadership, the caliphate was destroyed in his first year in office.

Under this administration, veterans have been given some long-overdue support. This includes

·         forgiving veteran student loans

·         allowing vets to visit doctors outside the VA

·         allowing incompetent VA employees to be fired

His other achievements include, but aren’t limited to, the following and deserve America's continued support:

·         "Right to try" medical legislation for terminal patients.

·         As of February 2020, at least 38 Americans held hostage have been released

·         The lowest unemployment rate in history for blacks, women and Hispanics.

·         By the end of 2019, NATO contributions increased $100 billion.

·         More money has been spent on historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) by this administration than any other.

·         On July 22, an executive order is signed to lower drugs prices and allow the purchase of life-saving drugs, such as insulin and EpiPens, from other countries at a much-reduced price.

·         The U.S. in now energy-independent and the largest exporter of oil, ending the threat of extortion from other countries.

·         No new wars have been started under this administration.

·         Partnering with the private sector to accomplish objectives more quickly and with better results.”

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