Monday, October 7, 2019


Constant pounding from leftist controlled media regarding demands for presidential impeachment, forced me to my keyboard this morning. The objective was, performing some simple arithmetic.

To begin, according to University of Virginia's Center for Politics on July 13, 2018: “Overall, 40 percent of voters in 31 party registration states are Democrats, 29 percent are Republicans, and 28 percent are independents.”

Thus, simple arithmetic shows that 60% of all voters aren’t even Democrats. Additionally, “a 2015 Gallup annual average based on January through December 2015 as part of Gallup's monthly Gallup Poll Social Series surveys found a record 45% of Democrats identify as liberals.”

Therefore, if what Gallup found was true and only half of the Democrat party lean extremely left, then a logical assumption is there are only 20% of potential voters comprising the overall leftist base.

However, beyond what the mainstream media is trying to sell to the actually quite small group comprising what’s now referred to as “Never-Trumper’s” in their constant focus on nothing but Trump impeachment, here are some real-world numbers illustrating the challenge they’re truly facing.

Heritage Foundation reports this morning: “These numbers are blockbusters. Just since Donald Trump took office, Median Family Incomes are up over $4,100. In 8 years under President Obama, they only went up $1000. In one third the time, President Trump has increased incomes 4 times as much, and that doesn’t even include the almost $2000 that the families got from the Trump Tax Cut.” Stephen Moore, Freedomworks That means $5000 to $6000 more in disposable yearly income that Americans have right now because of President Trump!"

And then, back on Friday September 6, Chris Isidore reported on CNN Business: “Black unemployment fell to a record low in August, helped by a jump in the number of black women on the job.

“The unemployment rate for black workers fell to 5.5% from 6%, according to the Labor Department data. The previous record low of 5.9% was set in May 2018.

“The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month's rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.”

At the same time: “Unemployment among workers who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino also fell in August to 4.2%, which matched a record low set earlier this year.

“Minority unemployment has been tracked by the Labor Department since the early 1970's. Both black and Hispanic or Latino unemployment numbers have traditionally been higher than white unemployment, and it remains so today. White unemployment was 3.4% in August, up from 3.3% previously. But this is the smallest gap on record between the respective unemployment rates for blacks and whites.”

Thus it seems the simplest question is that if the nation’s economy and its workers across the board in particular are doing better personally better that ever in history, does any rational human being among those involved really care about what the one responsible for the huge improvement may or may not have said in a recorded phone call with a foreign leader who brought up the subject himself?

That’s it for today folks,


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