Friday, December 2, 2016


Yesterday, on “Fox News contributor and LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham blasted President Obama Wednesday night for refusing to take any responsibility for Democrats losses in the November elections.

"Almost seven in 10 people routinely say the country's going in the wrong direction, wages have basically been flat since 1999, and yet this president comes out and in a very infantile manner blames cable news without any sense of personal responsibility," Ingraham said during a panel discussion on Fox News' "Special Report." 

Ingraham was responding to an interview with Rolling Stone magazine published on Tuesday, in which Obama said: "In this election, [voters] turned out in huge numbers for Trump. And I think that part of it has to do with our inability, our failure, to reach those voters effectively. Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country, but part of it is also Democrats not working at a grassroots level, being in there, showing up, making arguments."

Following Ms Ingraham's correct analysis, a reader, tarandfeather71, posted an accurate observation in further confirmation: 

“Obama complains about "...Fox news in every restaurant and bar in big chunks of the country..."

“Don't most businesses cater to their clientele to sustain profitability? 

“More proof the failed president has transcended all reality.”

In a similar vein, something that 's consistent among Democrats is, that no matter how many times they’ve been proven wrong or their numbers of constituents shrink, they never, ever, learn from their mistakes.   

That hardheadedness was proven again yesterday when AlGore announced plans to promote his virtual reality offering,  Melting Ice, which aims “to take winter coat wearing Sundance Film Festival attendees up close to the consequences of climate change,” according to Dominic Patten via Drudge. 

What’s most interesting about Gore’s continuing to present his irrational global-warming farce is the timing of this particular announcement. That’s because simultaneously, Anthony Watts via Drudge was reporting: “Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. Alerts me to this map from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center and says: “Cannot recall last time I have seen such a cold anomaly forecast across almost entire USA.”

An included map “from Dr. Ryan Maue of WeatherBell shows that over 75% of the USA will be below freezing for overnight lows on December 8th:

“The only state not showing a cold anomaly is Hawaii, the southernmost parts of Florida and Texas are also spared.” 

“The 6-10 day outlook shows the western half of the USA and Alaska in a deep cold anomaly:

"Dr. Maue writes: 'CONUS average low temp of 17°F for Dec 8th according to ECMWF 12z is exceptionally cold — there will surely be record lows.'

All of which is entirely consistent with the often reported polar vortex currently producing extremely cold winters for significant parts of the nation. That will continue for eight more years or so, as it always has in the same cyclical pattern, thanks to Mother Nature. 

Fiona Macdonald adds that “a new study shows that the polar vortex is shifting, and it's going to make winters on the east coast of the US and parts of Europe even longer, with exceptionally cold temperatures expected during March.

However, hard facts and historical weather performance don’t ever interfere with hucksters like Gore, who will still be hustling his warming warnings where, according to “The Sundance Film Festival is held in January, which is one of the coldest months of the year. Park City, Utah, where the Sundance Film Festival is held, is a ski resort town. ... The average January snowfall in Park City, Utah is 31 inches and the daytime temperatures rarely get to 33 degrees.”

So, as an aside to AlGore and his warming venture: Good luck with that one.

On another irrational matter, there’s criticism beginning to bubble up from journalists and pundits regarding the wealth of Trump’s projected appointees to date. The new Treasury secretary is former Goldman Sachs partner and hedge funder Steve Mnuchin’s who’s worth approximately $45 million. New Commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, has an estimated wealth of $2.5 billion, while the new Education secretary, Betsy DeVos’s family co-founded Amway and has a family wealth said to be $5.1 billion. 

Considering who these nominees are, how they achieved their wealth, and what their backgrounds indicate, it’s obvious that these are accomplished professionals who surely know what they’ve done, how they did it and how to help others and their nation to achieve as much success in the future as possible.  

On the other extreme, as far as the leftist journalists are concerned , their favored Democrat party took a shellacking in the current election due to their roster of candidates' gross ignorance, incapability and ineptitude. Nonetheless, Democrat's continual close-minded shortsightedness is glaringly apparent, as they elect hacks like Pelosi and Schumer to top posts although they will steadily take their party further backward.    

Republicans, however, and especially Trump, are taking a totally different approach to leadership. Problems and opportunity's are analyzed like business deals. The circumstances are evaluated and then, appropriate personnel are engaged to tackle the various issues. Which is why, for jobs where money’s involved, individuals were chosen who’ve continually demonstrated that they know how to handle it far better than most. And that can only turn out well for the nation and its people's pocketbooks.

The same will hold true for employment, the military, taxation, health care, immigration and border control, education and everywhere else throughout government. Because Trump only knows one way to address problems. Hire the best available personnel in the appropriate fields and tell them to fix those problems correctly and quickly as possible. If not, fire them and choose somebody else. That can be confirmed by Chris Christie, who lasted about a week after the election.

Conversely, Democrats would prefer someone chosen due to personal characteristics and/or culture, professional acuity far less of a consideration. Consequently, it doesn't matter a whit that Pelosi’s an intellectual vacuum, she’s the best because she’s a woman, etc., etc., etc. and so on.

Which means, when it comes to politics there are many things that are certainly arguable. Nonetheless though, it seems that slowly but surely, voters are learning that if they truly want what’s best for them and their nation, the time’s come to ignore the irrational, unbridled political rhetoric and vote for plain, simple, rational, functional logic.

That's it for today folks.


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