Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Not much in the news today. But the story’s in the headlines are the kind that should cause readers to scratch their heads, due to the lunacy in the details.  
Arthur MacMillan and Simon Sturdee @yahoo.com, write the following: “Tehran (AFP) - Iran said Monday it independently collected samples at a suspect military site where illicit nuclear work is alleged to have occurred and later handed them to the UN's absent inspectors.
“The disclosure that international monitors were not physically present is likely to feed critics of a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, who have poured scorn on measures used to check if Tehran's atomic programme is peaceful.
Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, said: “It was done by Iranian experts, in the absence of IAEA inspectors."
Reading about Iranians inspecting their own locations, then providing the results to the UN, is so totally ridiculous it’s hard to imagine that any administration could allow such a travesty to happen. However, Republicans should be celebrating the Democrat’s self-inflicted losses, because the next story confirms the political suicide Dem’s have committed.  
Chris Stirewalt’s column @foxnews.com includes an item titled: “New Yorkers hard on Iran deal”  
Mr. Stirewalt writes: “Support for the Iranian nuclear deal that Hillary Clinton helped set in motion as secretary of state is abysmal even in her home state of New York. Only 32 percent of registered voters in a new Quinnipiac University poll support the deal. Fifty-nine percent were opposed. This may help explain Clinton’s poor favorability rating in the Siena College poll out Monday.” 
Additionally, according to wsj.com, “A Colorado nonprofit group plans to spend in the six figures to attack Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet over his support for the Iran nuclear deal, in the first major television advertisement using votes on the Iran deal to attack a vulnerable senator up for re-election. The ad, which will run Sept. 22 to Sept. 29 on Denver area ABC, CBS and NBC affiliates, pictures children counting down in various languages and then a nuclear bomb exploding, with the caption ‘A nuclear Iran is a threat to the entire world.’”
Since this is just the beginning, it means that between now and November 2016 voters will be buried in similar barrages of ads against the Iranian deal. And the reason that huge damage to Democrats will result, is that anyone capable of any kind of intelligent thought clearly understands that Iran has no intention of keeping their side of the bargain. And never did from the start. 
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Edward-Isaac Dovere @politico.com report that: “In the Clinton orbit, there’s a debate: would Biden be enough of an actual threat that they hope he stays out of the race, or would he be just trouble enough to get their stumbling candidate back into shape?"
The reason this column’s quite interesting is the next paragraph that says, “She needs to be in a fight in order to be good. The coronation was always a bad deal for her,” said the person close to her campaign.”
Now, obviously, it’s not known who the “person close to her campaign,” is. However, that “person” must either be totally unfamiliar with Bill’s wife’s past, or smoking something hallucinatory. 
Because the last time she tried to run for the presidency an unknown from Chicago had her scrambling out the door before he ever began to really campaign. In fact, he didn’t even have to “hope” before she “changed” her mind and quit.
Which brings us to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That's it for today folks.

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