Sunday, April 14, 2013

BloggeRhythms 4/14/2013

Browsing on a very dull day for news, I came across an article from CBS St. Louis/AP via Drudge, headed “Study Reveals Global Warming Not To Blame For Last Year’s Crippling Drought.”
I found the information interesting because the study was conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Drought Task Force, a federal unit and not some fringe anti-global warming group seeking headlines.
As far as the drought itself was concerned “Researchers focused on six states – Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri and Iowa – but the drought spread much farther and eventually included nearly two-thirds of the Lower 48 states. For the six states, the drought was the worst four-month period for lack of rainfall since records started being kept in 1895.”
To me, however, the most important comment came from Martin Hoerling, a research meteorologist at NOAA, who said “This is one of those events that comes along once every couple hundreds of years. Climate change was not a significant part, if any, of the event.”
So, here we have one more proof that the weather’s been fluctuating in cycles as it's done for millennium's and it’s “global warming” advocates that are continually full of hot air, not the climate.
While I have no real expectation of any change of direction from the administration that’s been bought and paid for by global warming frauds and phonies, perhaps now the voting public will take notice of the truth and begin to accept the factual data.
And if they do, then the costs of food, fuel, clothing and even vehicles themselves will finally reduce to levels where they actually belong. Because all of us are presently paying through the nose for a total climate fabrication that doesn't exist now and never, ever, did at all before.
That’s it for today folks.

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