Saturday, November 27, 2010

BloggeRhythms 11/27/2010

Except for the North Koreans gearing up to try and start another major war, there's really not very much going on that's blogworthy at all. Yet, an article caught my eye as I was skimming the news this afternoon.

This guy Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director, said he doesn't believe the public is looking for the president to take an all-or-nothing approach to the economy. "The American people understand that we have both domestic and international issues that have to be dealt with. The public expects that's what he's doing."

Then, White House chief spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "You learn quickly as president that there are events that happen like North Korea that you have to address as they happen, not how you would plan for them to happen."

Aides say they see opportunities for the president's economic message to break through, starting with a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers this Tuesday. The top issue will be what to do about the Bush-era tax cuts set to expire at year's end. Obama also plans to take a few more domestic trips through the end of the year to discuss the economy.

Having read all that I sat here and wondered who these spokesman are talking about. I mean, why would anyone sit around and listen to, or care about, what this lame duck president said about anything, anywhere any time. Because after he failed to socialize the nation for himself and Soros, he got blown out big time in the mid-term elections and right now everyone's sitting on their hands until he's completely out of office himself. What's more, no businessman in his right mind will spend a dime on growth or anything he doesn't have to, with some loose cannon at the top who knows less than zip about simple economics.

But in the White House reaction to the Korean issue and their frustration about economic issues, they continue to rely on the same old, same old worthless attempt at solutions. They either truly believe or have some mis-guided assumption that all the country's ills can be cured with talk. Because that's the only thing you can rely coming out of the oval office...hour upon hour of worthless blather.

And a thought just crossed my mind about where this administration can apply for jobs when their term's over. They can move to Ohio and fill up all those Goodyear blimps.

That's it for today folks.


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